How to configure your Cdiscount Offers export
The "Cdiscount Offers" export enables you to send pricing and stock updates for products that are already listed on Cdiscount. It can not be utilised to list new products.
This export requires the following mandatory attributes:
Please make sure to populate each one of these mandatory attributes with values. Offers that are missing any of these attributes will not be sent to Cdiscount.
In Exports, add the "Cdiscount API Offers" export. Within the export setup, select "Cdiscount API Offer Export Destination" as the destination.
Feedback import: This can be activated in order to receive feedback from the destination. Our platform will automatically create a new import column containing feedback information if there was something wrong with the product information sent to Cdiscount.
API Username: Username provided by Cdiscount
API Password: Password provided by Cdiscount
Active: Switch to "On" to activate this destination.
ZIP Filename Standard is "", but can be changed for debugging reasons.