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Export data feeds

Add and manage exports to send your product data to the relevant channels via Productsup.


The Exports feature in Productsup lets you add and set up new exports, view the list of added exports, track your export history, and check the number of exported products.

Watch this introductory video to learn more:

The Exports page consists of two (2) tabs:

Exports tabs
  • Overview lets you view and manage all exports.

  • Export history lets you view the history of exports and delta file changes.

Locate the Exports feature

To locate the Exports feature, do the following:

  1. Go to a desired site in your Productsup account.

  2. Open the site's main menu on the left.

  3. Select Exports.

Overview tab

In the Overview tab, you can briefly overview each export added to your site. You can perform the following actions:

  • Add a new export using the ADD EXPORT button. See Add export channel for more information.

    Add export button
  • Set up a new export or edit existing exports.

  • Search for a necessary export using keywords or filters.

  • Run a specific export.

  • Activate or deactivate an export.

  • Duplicate an export.

  • Activate A/B testing for an export.

  • Delete an export.

If you have at least one (1) export added, the Overview tab shows the following information on each export:

New Exports page columns
  • Export name – The name of an added export. You can select the name to get to the export setup page.

  • Last export – The date and time of the previous export run.

    The icon on the left-hand side from the date shows the run type for this export. You can hover over an icon to see whether the run was Scheduled, Manual, or Triggered by another site.

  • Exported products – The number of exported products during the last export and the change in the number of exported products compared to the previous run.

  • Created on – The export creation date.

  • Status – The active or inactive state of an export.

You can select the arrows next to the column names to sort the export list by each column except for Status.

Set up a new export or edit existing exports

To set up a newly added export or edit an existing one, do the following:

  1. On the Overview tab, search for a necessary export using keywords or filters.

  2. Select the name of the export in the Export name column.

    Export name set up
  3. Set up the export or edit the settings on the setup page. See Edit export channel settings for more information.

Search for a necessary export using keywords or filters

To find a necessary export in the Overview tab, use the Search for exports field or the following filters:

New exports page filters
  • Export channel type – Use this filter to get a list of all added exports of the necessary types.

    1. Select the Export channel type drop-down menu.

    2. Choose the necessary types from the list.

    3. Select Apply.

      Apply export channel type


    Unselect the checked boxes or use the Clear button to clear the Export channel type filter.

  • Labels – Use this filter to get a list of all added exports with the necessary labels.

    1. Select the Labels drop-down menu.

    2. Choose the necessary labels from the list.

    3. Select Apply.

      Labels apply


    Unselect the checked boxes or use the Clear button to clear the Labels filter.

    You must add labels in the export settings before any labels appear in the Labels drop-down list.

  • Status – Use this filter to get a list of all added exports with the necessary status.

    • Select the Active or Inactive button next to Status.


    To clear the Status filter, unselect the chosen buttons.

To clear all filters and see the whole list of added exports, select Clear filters.

Export your products to the needed export channel

Selecting Export or Run in the top-right corner of the page sends data to all active exports.

If you want to send data to a specific export only, do the following:

  1. Search for a necessary export. See Search for a necessary export using keywords or filters.

  2. Hover over the necessary export and select the Export button that appears in the export's row.

    The export button


When the run is successful, you can see Exported instead of the Export button.

Activate or deactivate an export

If you want to pause an export to change its settings or prevent it from uploading data to its destination for a while, you can deactivate an export instead of deleting it. You can reactivate the export whenever you are ready to continue exporting to the channel again.

  1. Search for a necessary export. See Search for a necessary export using keywords or filters.

  2. In the Status column, toggle the status to Active or Inactive, depending on your needs.

    Status column


After reactivating your export, run the export manually to send the data to the channel.

Duplicate an export

  1. Search for a necessary export. See Search for a necessary export using keywords or filters.

  2. Select the three dots (...) icon on the right-hand side of a necessary export.

  3. Select Duplicate.

    Duplicate export


A new export with the same setup options appears at the top of the exports list in the Overview tab.

Activate A/B testing for an export

A/B testing lets you compare different versions of your product data to determine which one performs better. See Productsup AB testing explained. To activate A/B testing:

  1. Search for a necessary export as described in the Search for a necessary export using keywords or filters section.

  2. Select the three dots (...) icon on the right-hand side of a necessary export.

  3. Select Activate A/B testing.

    Activate A/B testing


The A/B icon appears in the export's row and, when selected, leads to the related section in Reporting.

A/B link icon

To deactivate A/B testing:

  1. Search for a necessary export as described in the Search for a necessary export using keywords or filters section.

  2. Select the three dots (...) icon on the right-hand side of a necessary export.

  3. Select Deactivate A/B testing.

    Deactivate A/B testing

Delete an export

  1. Search for a necessary export. See Search for a necessary export using keywords or filters.

  2. Select the three dots (...) icon on the right-hand side of a necessary export.

  3. Select Delete.

    Delete export
  4. In the Delete Export? pop-up window, select Delete.


The export disappears from the exports list in the Overview tab.

Export history tab

The Export history tab shows the log of all export runs.

To find a necessary export history record in the Export history tab, use the Search for exports field or the following filters:

Export history tab
  • Export channel type – Use this filter to get a list of all added exports of the necessary types.

    1. Select the Export channel type drop-down menu.

    2. Choose the necessary types from the list.

    3. Select Apply.


    Unselect the checked boxes or use the Clear button to clear the Export channel type filter.

  • Labels – Use this filter to get a list of all added exports with the necessary labels.

    1. Select the Labels drop-down menu.

    2. Choose the necessary labels from the list.

    3. Select Apply.


    Unselect the checked boxes or use the Clear button to clear the Labels filter. You need to add labels to exports in the export settings before any labels appear in the Labels drop-down list.

  • Select a date – Use this day picker to select a necessary date from the calendar.


    The dots next to a date in the calendar indicate the dates of the export runs.

  • Run type – Use this filter to get a list of all exports with a specific run type by selecting Scheduled, Manual, Triggered by another site, or Triggered by API.

To clear all filters and see the whole list of added exports, select Clear filters.

View the delta file changes

The table in the Export history tab lets you see exports with delta files and view the changes in four (4) types of delta files: New, Changed, Deleted, and Unchanged. See Set up Delta Blank Export to learn about delta files.


All exports with delta files have the DELTA label next to their names in the Overview and Export history tabs.

Delta label

To show or hide the delta files columns, do the following:

  • In the Export history tab, toggle Show delta file changes to the active or inactive status.

    Delta file changes state