The Marketplaces app
Send and sync your product data across various marketplaces using the Productsup Marketplaces app.
The Productsup Marketplaces app lets you publish product data from the platform. Once that product data is in the Marketplaces app, you can send and sync it to several marketplaces.

The Marketplaces app supports the following Amazon Marketplace locales:
France (FR)
Germany (DE)
Italy (IT)
Poland (PL)
Spain (ES)
United Kingdom (UK)
Set up product data flow from platform to Marketplaces app and Amazon Marketplace
First, export your product data from the Productsup Platform to the Marketplaces app catalog.
When your products are in the Marketplaces app, you can connect your Marketplaces catalog to various marketplaces.
Once connected to the various marketplaces, you can add products to specific listings catalogs.
The Marketplaces app lets you confirm that your products meet specific marketplace requirements before submitting them to your chosen marketplace.
Get constant feedback on the latest product listing submissions to your marketplaces. This feedback helps you discover if the Marketplaces app detected any problems during and after submitting products and if something else requires your attention.
To access and use the Marketplaces app, Productsup must:
First, you must have an Amazon Marketplace Seller Central account and login credentials.
Request a marketplace instance for your organization.
Link your marketplace instance to your Productsup organization.
Create export channels for the Amazon product types you require.
You can begin the data setup stage and use the Marketplaces app once Productsup establishes your marketplace instance and the appropriate channels for your product types.
Export product data from PUP to Marketplaces app
Create a site in the Productsup platform by performing the following, or see Create a site for more information:
Go to a project where you want to add a site.
Select ADD SITE.
Enter a name for your site.
Select Save.
Add and set up a data source to import your products using the following, or see Add a main data source to import your products for more information:
Go to Data Sources from your site's main menu and select ADD DATA SOURCE.
Search for your data source import channel and select Add. Give it a custom name as desired and select Continue.
Set up the data source.
See Import data from internal systems for more information on available options and how to import different data types.
See Import data from third-party external systems for more information on which options are available for importing data from external systems.
Enter any advanced settings if required and select Save.
Choose the Marketplaces app export channel(s) for your required product types. You can recognize all Marketplaces app export channels by their titles, for example, Marketplaces app - CHAIR PT - Amazon ES, IT, UK, FR, PL, DE. CHAIR PT stands for Amazon Chair Product Type or category.
Go to Exports from your site’s main menu, select ADD EXPORT and search for the appropriate export channel for your required product types. This example uses the Marketplaces app - CHAIR PT - Amazon ES, IT, UK, FR, PL, DE export channel.
Hover the pointer over the necessary export and select Add to confirm.
In the Exports page, select the cogwheel icon (⚙) next to the added export.
In the export setup, select Add Destination and choose Marketplaces experience from the drop-down list. Optionally, give your destination a custom description in Name.
Select the correct language representing the product translations in the Select language drop-down list. The platform uses this information in the Marketplaces app to distinguish language-specific product catalogs.
In Select category, ensure the selected category matches the defined category in the export channel name and represents the product category assigned to this channel. The platform uses this information to classify the products in the Marketplaces app.
Turn on the destination by switching Active to On.
Select Save.
Map your imported data to the export channels to meet data requirements. Apply rule boxes where necessary and map all available attributes in the import feed. Use the following example instructions to map import data for export or mapping information. See Map import data attributes for export:
Ensure you map the SKU attribute. The product SKU, language, and category parameters you set in the destination settings uniquely identify products in the Marketplaces app.
You can't add custom attributes in the Marketplaces app's export channels. If custom attributes exist, the export fails, and the Marketplaces app and Amazon Seller Center do not receive new or updated product data.
Be advised that some attributes are country or language specific. For example, if you select language de_DE in the destination, you must map the
attributes($.uvp_list_price[0].currency & $.uvp_list_price[0].value)
. And if you select the languages for the following destinations:it_IT
Or another language
Then you must map the
attributes($.list_price[0].currency & $.list_price[0].value_with_tax)
. There are more attributes similar to these. The system checks if you mapped the languages and destinations correctly; if not, the export fails. See the Troubleshoot export section.Go to Dataflow from your site's main menu.
Select the export channel where you are sending your product data. This example uses Google Merchant Center.
To map Import attributes to Intermediate attributes:
In the Import column, select a node on an attribute.
In the Intermediate column, select a node on an attribute.
Map Intermediate attributes to the export channel, following the same steps noted in step 3.
You can get more information about each available attribute in the channel template using a schema example. See react-jsonschema-form playground.
Export your data to the Marketplaces app by setting up schedules. Scheduling lets you automatically sync new or updated products to the Marketplaces app catalog. Use the following instructions or see Set up scheduling and triggering processes in Scheduling for more information.
Go to Data Sources from your site's main menu and select the Scheduling tab.
Select Add Schedule.
Select the days, hours, and minutes you want to schedule a run start. Choose from:
Every 2nd Day
Every Hour
Select Save.
Login to the Marketplace app. Add your site number before the sub-domain
. For example,https://{your site number}
. You can expect to land on the My Product Catalog page that contains all the product data you exported from the Productsup platform. If you don't see your product data, try exporting again and check the platform notifications to troubleshoot.
Troubleshoot export
Check Notifications to see if your export was successful and if no errors occurred during your run.
If Feed Upload Failed or Destination Failed errors occur, check the Error log for more information on the root cause. You can see errors if you add custom attributes to the export channel or incorrectly map attributes for your selected destination language.
Marketplaces app's “My product Catalog” languages and categories
The language and category settings you defined in the Marketplaces app export destination settings let you filter language-specific product catalogs and categories.
Language-specific product catalogs
To define the product catalog language, you must establish a single language at the site so the app can translate that language at the export destination.
Once you have established language parameters in your destination settings, as seen in step e, you can apply filters to split product data by language and assign localized products to the correct country or region for each specified marketplace destination. The Marketplaces app supports the following languages:
English (UK)
French (FR)
German (DE)
Italian (IT)
Polish (PL)
Spanish (ES)
In My Product Catalog, you can choose the language of your products from the language drop-down list.

Category filters
The only category filters available in the Marketplaces app My Product Catalog page are those you configured in the platform for your Marketplaces app destination. See step f.

Connect the Marketplaces app to a specific marketplace
In the Marketplaces app, go to Marketplaces from the top menu ribbon and select Add a marketplace.
Choose your marketplace region. The platform then redirects you to Amazon Seller Central to authenticate your account login. Once you have authenticated, you return to the platform to continue with the setup.
You must have an Amazon Marketplace Seller Central account and login credentials.
Edit authentication data
Marketplace authentication data can expire or become invalid based on user management actions in your Amazon Seller Center account. In both cases, you should modify your authentication data in the Marketplaces app.
If you need to edit the authentication data of your marketplace, follow these steps:
Go to Marketplaces.
Select the marketplace where you want to edit the authentication data.
In the left-side menu, select Settings.
In the Authentication panel, select Edit.
On the EDIT AUTHENTICATION page, select Continue to let the app redirect you to your Amazon Seller Center account. Once finished with the new authentication, you go back to the Marketplaces app to save the changes.
Add products to a marketplace-specific listings catalog
Once connected to your desired Marketplace(s), you can start distributing products from My Product Catalog to their intended Marketplace(s) for listing.
Add your products to the Marketplace app by selecting the products listed on the My Product Catalog page and choosing Add to Marketplace.
You can add the same products to one or several marketplaces.
Only the marketplaces you have connected with are available for product distribution.
Check if added listings meet marketplace product requirements and fix data issues
To be proactive about the correctness of the provided product data, you can use the info boxes next to every attribute field in your product catalogs.
These info boxes explain what input a chosen marketplace expects in each attribute field. With this information, you can prevent listing errors that cause marketplaces to remove or suppress your catalog placement.
Once you have added products to your selected marketplace listings catalog, you can get insights into the listings' data quality. You can confirm if:
Your products contain all required and mandatory attributes.
Product data validates against Amazon's schema.
The following details are available before you submit your listings to marketplaces for all products on the following pages:
Product attribute edits
If there are listing issues, you can edit and enhance your product data from the following three areas:
A site in the Productsup platform that exports product data to the Marketplaces app. The suggestion is to update data on the source side and apply modifications using rule boxes for broader data management, addressing issues, and optimizing multiple products where applicable.
All changes you perform in the site apply across all marketplace listings whenever you add products.
In the Marketplaces app, go to the selected Marketplaces listings and the Listing Detail Page.
Changes you perform on the Listing Detail Page (LDP) apply only to specific marketplace listings where you made the changes. Your changes to duplicate product listings in other marketplaces do not affect multiple marketplace listings. If you perform edits on the LDP, they overrule product data received from platform exports or updates on the PDP. This overruling means that product attribute edits on the LDP have the highest priority compared to those from the PDP and platform site or data source.
In case you edited your product data in the Marketplaces app, you can view the original values imported from Productsup by following these steps:
Go to Marketplaces.
Select the marketplace where you changed your product data.
Select the listing where you changed the data.
Next to the value you changed in the Marketplaces app, select View imported value to see what value Productsup exports for this attribute.
If you want to undo the changes and use the value as imported from Productsup, select Revert to this value. The app then removes the current value from the attribute and populates it with the value shown in the pop-up.
Submit listings to your marketplaces
Automated listings submission
By default, the Marketplaces app continuously checks and submits listings for products that pass data validation and meet Amazon's minimum data requirements. The app also processes data changes and reattempts Amazon submissions.
If you want to pause or unpause automated listings submission, follow these steps:
Go to Marketplaces.
Select the marketplace where you want to pause listings submission.
In the left-side menu, select Settings.
Toggle on the Listings submissions button.
If you pause a listing submission, a warning message appears at the top of the page, and the state of the marketplace changes to Inactive.
Manual listings submission
A Marketplaces app user can perform the submission of a manual listing if they initiate the submission by going to the Marketplaces app, Marketplaces, selected marketplace, and choosing the Listings view. Users have a few options on how they can initiate submissions:
Select one or multiple product listings from the Listings table and begin with the selected listings submissions to the marketplace.
You can only select Listings within one chosen category.
If you select and submit multiple product listings and some of those listings contain incomplete data, the app submits only the listings with sufficient data to the selected marketplace. It shows you a note displaying the number of listings excluded from the submission due to missing data. You can revisit those listings, provide the needed data, and resubmit.
There is a similar process for automated submissions, where the app can only submit queued listings meeting Amazon's minimum requirements. If some listings are missing the required data, the app excludes them from submission.
Submit a single listing from an LDP.
If a user made data changes on the LDP after saving those changes, a user must submit the listing manually. This submission ensures that any changes the user performs on the listing apply in the Marketplace Seller Central catalog.
Statuses of product listings
Not submitted - New listings are under this status. It can also indicate if the app performed a validation check and a listing did not meet Amazon's minimum requirements, therefore not allowing a listing submission.
Queued - After passing a validation check, the listing meets Amazon's minimum requirements. The app pushed the listing to the queue and is pending submission to Amazon.
Pending feedback - The app submitted the listing to Amazon and is currently pending feedback from Amazon.
Submitted - The app successfully submitted the listing to Amazon. Amazon feedback indicates the listing contains no errors.
Submitted with errors - The app submitted the listing to Amazon, but this listing contains invalid media data. For example, invalid images.
Failed - The submitted app submitted failed based on feedback from Amazon. Amazon reports the listing contains errors. Check the Errors page for more information.
Marketplaces app errors
The Errors page helps you locate errors in the Marketplaces app for failed listings submissions. It displays the following information for errors:
Main image
Product SKU
Product name
Error Code
Error description
Submission timestamp
Submission ID
To locate errors in the Marketplaces app for failed listings submissions:
Go to Marketplaces, select the {marketplace region}, and Errors.
Using the Download CSV option, you can collaborate on error resolution with colleagues and partners who don't have access to Productsup and the Marketplaces app:
In the upper ribbon on the Errors page, select Product SKU or Error code to choose how you want the app to group errors in the output CSV file.
Select Download CSV to let your browser start downloading the CSV file. Once this process is over, you can share the file for collaboration on listings errors.
Pre-submission validation errors
Pre-submission validation errors are directly related to product listing attributes, data readiness validations, or they can indicate missing or wrong values. The Marketplaces app distinguishes these errors using error code 0
and the submission ID 0

Marketplace feedback errors
Marketplace feedback errors include direct, indirect, and unrelated listing data issues, such as submission API request errors and submission processing errors.
If Amazon discovers issues during listing submissions, these errors are directly related to the listing data attributes. Amazon errors contain five (5) digits, for example, 90220
. You can find a list and descriptions of all Amazon errors here, Error code explanations.
Amazon generates a Submission ID visible on the Errors page if you receive any errors from Amazon. Give this ID to Amazon's customer support team for assistance.

Indirect and unrelated listing data issues
Delete products from Amazon Seller Central
To delete product listings from your Amazon Seller Central account, you must go to your relevant Productsup site. You have the following options to remove products from export in a Productsup site:
You can go to your data source and delete the unwanted products there.
You can add a rule box in Dataflow or Data View to let the platform skip certain products during export. See Exclude products with skip rule boxes.
You can set up a list containing the products the platform should skip during export. See Inclusion/Exclusion lists.
Once you remove the unwanted products from export, you need to select Run in the top-right corner of your site's view to let Productsup send your product deletion updates to the Marketplaces app.
Once you send your product deletion updates to the Marketplaces app, the app syncs the new Productsup export feed with your products on the My product catalog page. It also syncs the updates with your product listings in each added marketplace. The app then sends a deletion request to your Amazon Seller Central account to remove unwanted product listings.
The Marketplaces app assigns the status Pending deletion to all products undergoing the deletion process. You can see this status only if the app has already started the deletion process but hasn't yet deleted all the needed products. This can happen, for example, because of a long queue of pending changes.
You can't make any changes to products with the status Pending deletion.
Retry deletion after failed deletion requests
Expired authentication and API call issues can cause automated product deletion requests to fail. If this happens, a red banner appears at the top of the My product catalog page in the Marketplaces app.
You can retry deletion manually by selecting submit a deletion request in the red banner at the top of the My product catalog page.