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How to configure your export

Specific marketing channels require unique setups and upload procedures. Learn more about what to watch out for in the following sections.

How to upload Facebook Dynamic Ads

This article is about how to create and upload a feed in Facebook Business Manager using either the Facebook Fetch Schedule or the Facebook Marketing API. You can get more detailed insights into this on our Blog.

Prerequisite: Your business is listed in Business Manager.

Submit your product feed aka product catalog to Facebook

This product feed lists all the products you want to advertise on Facebook as well as their unique attributes (title, description, price, image link, etc.). The social media platform supports many existing formats. The attributes required are very similar to the Google Merchant Center feed.

Add a “custom audience” pixel to your website

This is necessary to track which Facebook user has visited which product on your website. Based on the exact product they viewed and based on where they got to in the purchasing process, it allows you to create custom audiences to which you can dynamically serve your ads.

Create a dynamic product ad in Power Editor

In cooperation with one of the Facebook Marketing Partners you need to determine how you want your product information to be displayed in the ad. In creating your ad you need to select ‘Product Catalog Sales’ as your objective.

1. Create a feed in Productup

Activate the export channel Facebook Dynamic Product Ads in Productsup int the Exports tab and set it up according to the channel specific requirements.

  • Export the feed using Productsup Serveras destination if you want to import the feed into the Business Manager using the Facebook Fetch Schedule.

  • Export the feed using the Facebook Marketing API: Product Feed as a destination if you want to define your own schedule for the upload.


Authentication: Choose your Facebook authentication.

Product Catalog ID: After adding the catalog to the Business Manager in Facebook you need to enter the ID here.

Interval: Here you define the schedule that Facebook uses for importing the feed into the Business Manager.

Feed Name: Enter the name of your feed and make sure that it matches with the feed name in the Business Manager.

Market Country & Default Currency: These options can be made in the Business Manager directly or alternatively directly in the Productsup setup.

Trigger Download: Enable this option if you want Facebook to refresh your feed according to the schedule you set in "Interval".

Active: Set the destination to active as soon as you want to start using it.

2. Create a product catalog in Facebook Business Manager

You need a Business Manager account with at least one Facebook page.


In Settingsclick on Product Catalogue and Add New Product Catalogue.


Choose Create new catalog.


Enter your product catalog name and click on Create Product Catalogue to save the settings.


Click on Add Product Feed for the created product catalogue.


Enter a feed name.

Select Auto-Upload with URL

Enter the feed URL.

For Encodingchoose Auto Detect or UTF-8.

Select the same Delimiter as in Productsup (per default: Tab).

Select Use quoted fields.

Select Daily for Upload Frequency.

Finally, click on Schedule Upload.


Facebook will start to upload your feed. It can take a few minutes.


After a few minutes you will see your products:


If you get any error message log into Productsup and correct your feed.

How to configure your export

This article will show all the necessary steps to successfully upload your data feed to in order to publish your product videos there and import the Analytics data from YouTube back into your Productsup site.

Upload your feed to

To successfully export your data to the following steps are required:

1. Create a YouTube account

Go to and click on the top right on Sign In. Click on Create Account.

2. Add YouTube authentication in Productsup

Please see Add OAuth authentication to external systems for more information about that.


3. Add YouTube export and fill in all required information for the destination

The next step is to add YouTube as a channel. Open the Exports tab and click on Add Export in the top navigation.

Add the YouTube channel to your site and choose a custom name if needed.


Click on Setup for the YouTube export.


Click on Add Destination and choose the YouTube API from the list as the destination.


In the destination settings it is necessary to use the correct authentication for the YouTube Channel that you have created in the second step. You can select for which video category the video feed is used.


Important: When uploading the videos via the YouTube API a tag with the video ID is added to synchronize the YouTube ID with the Productsup internal video ID. This requires no setup from your side but happens automatically during the upload. With this method we make sure that videos get updated and are not uploaded again as duplicates. Productsup will only update or delete videos that have this tag.

Please make sure to never delete this tag within the YouTube interface.

Populate the Export attributes in Dataflow

  • location: This attribute contains the URL to the video you want to upload

  • description: Add the description of your text or relevant marketing copy you want to display on YouTube

  • title: Create a title for your YouTube video within this attribute

Import the YouTube Analytics data into your Productsup account

To import your metrics into Productsup first click on Add Data Source in the Data Sources menu.

Search for YouTube Analytics - Fetch and select it as a data source type. Fill in all the required information.


Authentication: Select the authentication that grants access to your YouTube account.

Channel: Enter the ID of the channel you want to import data from.

Metrics: Enter all the KPIs you want to import into the platform in this input field.

Start Date/End Date: The time range of your analytics data.

Click on Save and on Import at the top of the page in the Data Sources tab to manually import your data or the feed will be imported with the next scheduled import.

How to configure your ebay export

This article will show all the necessary steps to successfully upload your data feed to the eBay Marketplace.

To successfully export your data to the eBay Marketplace, the following steps are required:

  • Create an eBay account

  • Add eBay authentication

  • Add eBay Marketplace export

You can create an eBay account following this link.

The second step is to add the authentication for ebay. To get more information on how to set up authentication, see Add OAuth authentication to external systems.


The next step is to add eBay Marketplace as a channel. Open Export A/B and click on "Add Export" in the top navigation.

Add the "eBay Marketplace" channel to your site and choose a custom name if needed.


In the channel setup you need to choose eBay Marketplace as the destination and choose the authentication you created in the step before.


After the channel destination setup is done you can optimize your feed in the Dataflow.

Important: The eBay Marketplace export is in the way that eBay has strict regulations about the data.

  • All products need to have a valid eBay category assigned. You can accomplish this by setting up a list as described in Replace attributes with Partner Taxonomy Mapping list following the eBay taxonomy in the language you are advertising in.

  • You have an initial upload limit which will be increased over the time depending on successful sales and positive ratings.

  • This limit is based on the number of "in stock" items you send there. This means sending stock information is critical and you may want to play around with your stock figures in order to get as many different products as possible live.

Example: If your feed has 20.000 products, you can send them all if you give each a stock count of "1". If you give them a stock count of "2", you will only be able to push half the amount of products there, etc.

How to configure your Bing API export

If you want to export your data to Bing via the Bing Content API you should stick to the following steps.

  1. Add the export channel Bing Content API in the Exports tab.

  2. Click on Setup for that channel.


3. Click on Add Destinationwithin the Setup page.


4. Choose the Bing Content API from the dropdown list.


5. Fill in the following form with the relevant information. Merchant Center ID: Fill in the ID for your Bing Merchant Center Shop. Possible values for Target Language: English, German and French Possible values for Target Country: Australia, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the United States Possible values for Authentication to use: eBay and YouTube Channel


How to configure your Google Hotel Price Ads Export

Google Hotel Price Ads

Google Hotel Price Ads export enables you to advertise your hotels and vacancies on Google. Please signup for Hotel Ads here

Since Google expects latest availability data here, the setup here is a bit different than usual.

You will need to setup three sites, one that contains your hotel data, one that contains your room information (metadata) and one that contains your availabilities.

Once you are done with the setup, we create an API endpoint for you, where Google can look up your availabilities.

1. Create the Hotel List Feed

Add a new site where you import your hotel data.

Add Google Hotel Ads - Hotel List Feed as an export template in Exports by clicking on the Add Export button in the top right corner and filtering for Google Hotel.


Go the export setup and click on Add Destination.Choose Google Hotel Ads API (Hotels) from the dropdown and click on save. You will be forwarded to the API Setup.


Placeholder API Setup

When you have finished the API setup, go back to the export setup and add the Productsup Server as a second destination. After exporting at least once, copy the link created and pass it on to Google.

When you have finished the API setup, go to the Dataflow and create all mappings neccessary. Make sure to provide information for all mandatory columns (dark grey). You can provide additional information by mapping the optional columns (light grey).


2. Create the Hotel List Feed

Add a new site where you import your room availabilities and prices.

Add Google Hotel Ads - Rooms and Vailabilities as an export template in Exports by clicking on the Add Export button in the top right corner and filtering for Google Hotel.


Go the export setup and click on Add Destination.Choose Google Hotel Ads API (Rooms and Availabilities) from the dropdown and click on save. You will be forwarded to the API Setup.


Enter the site ID of the site you are in.

When you have finished the API setup, go to the Dataflow and create all mappings neccessary. Make sure to provide information for all mandatory columns (dark grey). You can provide additional information by mapping the optional columns (light grey).


3. Create the Hotel Metadata Feed

Add a new site where you import your room availabilities and prices.

Add Google Hotel Ads - Hotel Metadada as an export template in Exports by clicking on the Add Export button in the top right corner and filtering for Google Hotel.


Go the export setup and click on Add Destination.Choose Google Hotel Ads API (Metadata) from the dropdown and click on save. You will be forwarded to the API Setup.


Enter the site ID of the site you are in.

When you have finished the API setup, go to the Dataflow and create all mappings neccessary. Make sure to provide information for all mandatory columns (dark grey). You can provide additional information by mapping the optional columns (light grey). You have the option to add additional names and descriptions in english and german. If you want to add more languages, you can add additional columns, but need to stick to the given name structure:- description_{language code} - name_{language code}

Examples: - description_fr - description_fi - name_fr - name_fi


After creating the three exports, please contact your Productsup Support, so we can create an API endpoint for Google.

4. Things to consider

Room Capacity and Occupancy In the room bundle response, the default occupancy of all rooms defined is recognised as 2, by Google. However, if you define the capacity as 1, you need to explicitly set the occupancy as 1, otherwise Google will flag the room bundle as invalid. Though not required, it is strongly recommended that the capacity and occupancy are added to each room bundle for the Room and Availabilities export.

Hotel List Feed It takes Google up to a week to process any new hotels sent via the hotel list feed, after the initial onboarding period.

How to configure your Google Manufacturer Center Export

Google Manufacturer Center is a free tool that helps marketers in brand manufacturing firms leverage how their brand and products are presented on Google Shopping, Search and other Google Services.

To get detailed information about the value Google Manufacturer Center adds for your brand, you can download our Google Manufacturer Center Whitepaper here.

By using the Google Manufactuer Center Export in Productsup, brand manufacturers can easily send feeds containing high quality information about their products to the Google Manufacturer Center. Else the Google Merchant Center Export, this will enrich your product data globally, and for all ads with all retailers selling your product. The export provides columns for various information you'd like to add to your brands products listed in the Google Merchant Center. Just map the columns you want to export to the Google Manufacturer Center in your Dataflow and make sure this information is also provided within your feed.


Add the feed to your Google Manufacturer Center by registering it in the UI.


Just provide a feed name, choose the upload method (manual or scheduled) and provide the feed location. You can choose to upload a test feed to review your data in the Google Manufacturer Center first.

How to configure your Meplato export

How to configure your Meplato Export

This article will show you all the necessary steps to export your products to Meplato.

1. Create the Meplato Export

Go to Exports and click on the Green Add Export Button in the top right corner.

Choose the export Meplato and click on Add.

Setup the Meplato Destination by clicking on the setup button of your export, clicking Add Destination and choosing Meplato API from the dropdown.

After clicking save you will be forwarded to the API Setup.

2. Setup the Meplato API

Enter your API User and API Pass as login credentials and the API Key and API Pin to access the desired catalog.

Figure 1. TITLE


  • If you just want to push new products to Meplato set Audit to false.

  • If products that have been removed from your feed should also be removed from your Meplato catalog, set Audit to true.


  • There are three settings for the Publish option: true, false and only.

  • If you want your products to be published directly, set the option to true.

  • To have them uploaded to Meplato without publishing them, set this option to false.

  • When you have uploaded them without publishing and want to manually publish them later on, you can set this option to only.

How to configure your Google Product Ratings Export

Google Product Ratings Exportenables you to upload product ratings from your own shopping system and 3rd party sources to the Google Merchant Center.

Map the columns you want to export in your Google Ratings channel in your Dataflow and then export it to an FTP or the Productsup Server. Afterwards you can add this export with your product ratings to the Google Merchant Center.

Figure 1. Image

The following columns are mandatory: - reviewer_name - review_url - product_url - ratings_overall_min - rating_overall_max - ratings_overall_average

It is highly recommended to provide the GTIN columns, despite it not being mandatory. It is used by Google to match the ratings with the products:

"The reviews data from a Product Ratings feed is matched to products based on a number of factors, the strongest being globally unique product identifiers such as GTINs. Without GTIN data, Google will attempt to match a review through other metadata information such as SKU, Brand + MPN pairs and product URLs, though these identifiers generally do not offer a good match. In short, without GTINs, matching issues may occur. What this means is that you may not see star ratings appear alongside the products your business offers."

If you can not provide a GTIN, make sure the information in the Google Ratings export correlates with the one in your Google Merchant Center feed, e.g. sku in the Google Ratings export needs to correlate with id in your Google Merchant Center feed.

You can find more information on the preconditions to add your Ratings feed to the GMC here.

How to configure your Mirakl Product Prices and Availabilities Export

The Mirakl Product Prices and Availabilities Export enables you to export information about your prices and availabilities to marketplaces based on Mirakl's Marketplace Platform (such as the examples below).


These are the attributes you can send - mandatory ones in blue, recommended ones in light grey:


To export the data to Mirakl, you need to choose Mirakl as an export destination in the setup of the channel in Exports.


Host: The host of the API

API Key: Required for the authentication

Import Mode: There are three kinds of import modes which you can select for the API: "Normal", "Partial Update" and "Replace". Default is set to Normal. The import history is kept for 60 days, with a maximum of 500 files by seller.

A) Normal: The offer is modified based on the value of the "update-delete" column. Attributes assigned to fields not present in the file are not updated.

Update-delete field is set to “update” or is "blank":

  • if the SKU field does not match any existing offer in the shop, a new offer is created

  • the product-id and product-id-type fields link an offer to a product

  • if the SKU field matches an existing offer in the shop, the offer is updated

Update-delete field is set to “delete”:

  • the offer is deleted

  • only the SKU field is used, the others are ignored

  • if the offer does not exist, an error is returned

B) Partial Update: The update mode allows you to only update fields containing data (not blank). Attributes assigned to fields not present in the file are not updated. Offers are identified by the SKU field. If the offer does not exist, an error is returned.

Important: The update-delete field can exist, but must be blank. If not, an error is returned.

C) Replace: We match the offers contained in the file and these contained in Mirakl.

  • All the seller’s existing offers which are not present in the offer file are deleted and replaced by those defined in the file

  • Seller's existing offers also present in the replacement file are not deleted but only updated.

Important: The update-delete field can exist, but must be blank. If not, an error is returned.

Warning: When creating offers and products at the same time using the back office or API and using any import mode, all the offers from your file get the "Waiting" status, waiting for product creation. However, selecting the replacement mode is risky because your existing offers (if any) are deleted right away, except for the ones which exist in your file. The other offers which exist in your files are put in a "Waiting" status. Then, each time products are created in Mirakl, a check is done on all your offers which are in the "Waiting" status to know if any of these offers can be created. Mirakl keeps offers in the "Waiting" status during 10 days before deleting them. The operator can configure this time period.

Shop: The identifier/ShopId of the shop

How to configure your Google AMP Pages export

Google's accelerated mobile pages are extremely relevant for e-commerce businesses as according to their Developer Advocates "AMP is a natural fit for e-commerce because AMP makes webpages fast, and fast pages help with purchase conversions."

Within Productsup you can export your product data into the AMP HTML template. With this template you can create AMP optimized product pages that can be used for your website.

Activate the channel "Google AMP Pages" in Exports. Map all relevant columns in Dataflow. It is important to include a unique value as the export column "filename", as this is necessary for when writing the export file.

Choose "Google AMP Pages (Productsup Server)" as the export destination in Exports:

Figure 1. destination

Name the file as you wish, making sure that the extension ends in .csv. Your file should look like this: examplefile.csv

It is important to fill out the Google AMP Twig Template (found under Settings in the Google AMP Pages channel), so that the output file can be defined and written. Without including a template, the file cannot be exported.

Figure 2. destination

The Twig Template contains HTML-Code (such as the below), which determines the relations of the variables in the output. For example,

{{ title }}

will be populated with the column named "title" from the export. This is the same for

{{ price }}

, and so on.

Figure 3. destination

More information about Twig can be found under the following external link.

Once you export this channel, a zip-file with one HTML file per product will be generated. You can find the link to this zip file at the very bottom of your channel's setup.

How to configure your Image Exporter export

The Image Exporter enables you to save the visuals available under the image URLs in your feed as physical images hosted on Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage or an FTP/SFTP server, either as single images or zipped.

Precondition: - To successfully upload your images to S3, you need to create an AWS account with Amazon following this link. - To successfully upload your images to Blob Storage, you need to create an Azure account with Microsoft following this link. - To successfully upload your images to an FTP/SFTP, you need to provide FTP/SFTP credentials that have write access.

1. Add the Image Exporter export to your site

Go to the Exports section and click Add Export. Filter for "Image Exporter" and click the "Add" button.

Figure 1. ExportUI

2. Set up the Dataflow

You can export several pictures per product. Each image needs a URL and a filename that it will be saved under on S3. The mandatory columns are:

  • id: Your unique product identifier

  • img_url_ {ascending_number}: The source URL of the image

  • img_name_{ascending_number}: The image's file name incl. file extension

If you want to export only one image per product, map the "id" column and "image_name_1" and "image_url_1".

If your items have more than one picture that you want to upload, map the "id" column and as many "image_name" and "image_url" columns as needed.

Important: Make sure to not use duplicate image names within your feed, as this will cause the images to be overwritten on the server.

Figure 2. DataflowImageExporter

3. Configuring destinations

All destinations share 4 common settings: - Concurrency: This determines how many images will be downloaded at the same time. - Download Progress Notification Interval: This setting determines how often a notification for the download progress will be shown. - Zipfile (optional): When a filename is entered, all images will be zipped before uploading. - Zip Size Limit: Enter a maximum zip file size in bytes, if neccessary. If the size limit is reached, the images will be exported in several zip files.

3.1 Configure the S3 Destination

Go back to Exports and click on the "Setup" button for the Image Exporter export. Click Add Destination and choose Image Exporter (AWS S3).

Figure 3. DestinationSetup

Enter your AWS credentials in Access Key IDand Secret Access Key, then choose your S3 Region. Add the name of the Bucket the images should be uploaded to and define the Base Path for the images.

3.2 Configure the Blob Storage Destination

Go back to Exports and click on the "Setup" button for the Image Exporter export. Click Add Destination and choose Image Exporter (Microsoft Azure).

Figure 4. DestinationSetup

Enter your Microsoft Azure Credentials in Account Name and Access Key. Add the name of the Blob Container the images should be uploaded to and define the Base Path for the images.

3.3 Configure the FTP/SFTP destination

Go back to Exports and click on the "Setup" button for the Image Exporter export. Click Add Destination and choose Image Exporter (FTP or SFTP)

Figure 5. DestinationSetup

Enter the servers address and your credentials, and add the basepath.

How to configure your Sailthru API export

Sailthru is the complete, unified and integrated marketing solution: the platform of choice for today’s modern marketer.

Just add the Sailthru Export and map all the neccessary columns in the Dataflow.

Figure 1. sailthrudataflow

Select the Sailthru API destination to upload the data to Sailthru.

Just enter your API key and API secret and save.

Figure 2. sailthruapiui

How to configure your Facebook Dynamic Ads Video export

You can use the Facebook Dynamic Ads Video export to export your ads with video content to Facebook.

The mandatory columns are ID and video_link, title can be provided optionally if desired.

In the channel setup click on Add destination and choose Facebook Marketing API: Product Ads Video.

Figure 1. videoads

Please choose your Facebook authentication. If you haven't created one already, you can find more information on how to create one in Add OAuth authentication to external systems.

After choosing your authentication, fill in the necessary information to send your videos to the right catalog.

How to configure your Cdiscount Offers export

The "Cdiscount Offers" export enables you to send pricing and stock updates for products that are already listed on Cdiscount. It can not be utilised to list new products.

This export requires the following mandatory attributes:

  • Offer/ProductEan

  • Offer/Price

  • Offer/Stock

  • Offer/SellerProductId

  • Offer/EcoPart

  • Offer/ProductCondition

Please make sure to populate each one of these mandatory attributes with values. Offers that are missing any of these attributes will not be sent to Cdiscount.


In Exports, add the "Cdiscount API Offers" export. Within the export setup, select "Cdiscount API Offer Export Destination" as the destination.


Feedback import: This can be activated in order to receive feedback from the destination. Our platform will automatically create a new import column containing feedback information if there was something wrong with the product information sent to Cdiscount.

API Username: Username provided by Cdiscount

API Password: Password provided by Cdiscount

Active: Switch to "On" to activate this destination.

ZIP Filename Standard is "", but can be changed for debugging reasons.

How to configure your FNAC API Stock Price Export

The "FNAC API Stock & Price Export" export enables you to send stock and price updates for products which are already listed on FNAC. It can not be utilised to list new products.

This export requires the following mandatory attributes:

  • price

  • product_reference

  • offer_reference

  • product_state

Please make sure to populate each one of these mandatory attributes with values. Offers that are missing any of these attributes will not be sent to FNAC.


In Exports, add the "FNAC API Stock & Price" export. Within the export setup, select "Fnac API" as the destination and fill out the fields (see screenshot and below description).


API Key: API Key provided by Fnac.

Shop Id: Your Fnac Shop Id.

Partner Id: Fnac Partner Id provided by Productsup.

Active: Switch to "On" to activate this destination.

How to configure your Amazon Inventory and Price export

The Amazon Inventory and Price Update (API) export lets you make Inventory and Price updates to your uploaded products on Amazon.

You should fill out the following columns included in the Amazon Inventory and Price Update (API) template:


This will be enough to update the Inventory (quantity) and Price (StandardPrice) on Amazon.

In order to push to Amazon, you may wish to decide between two different modes of fulfillment: Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) or Fulfilment by Merchant (FBM).

If this is the case, you should add the below columns in the Dataflow. These columns can be added as they are written below (or additionally you can prefix them with “Inventory.” - e.g. you can decide between naming the columnInventory.Available or naming it just Available.


The following columns should be added if you are choosing FBA:

  • FulfillmentCenterID- supports the values: 'AMAZON_NA', 'AMAZON_EU', 'AMAZON_IN', 'AMAZON_JP'

  • Available- ‘true’ or ‘false’

  • Lookup- assign value 'FulfillmentNetwork' via a Static Box

  • RestockDate

  • FulfillmentLatency- the time frame between a customer placing an order and it being shipped (in days)

  • SwitchFulfillmentTo- supports the value ‘AFN'


For FBM you should add the following columns:

  • FulfillmentCenterID- for FBM, this should be left empty

  • Available- ‘true’ or ‘false’

  • Lookup- for FBM this should be left empty

  • RestockDate

  • FulfillmentLatency- the time frame between a customer placing an order and it being shipped (in days)

  • SwitchFulfillmentTo- Supported Values: ‘MFN'

Please note that the columns above will need to be added as custom columns on Dataflow.

For more information from Amazon directly, you can check their help section.

How to configure your Yotpo API export

The Yotpo - Export Products export can be used to send product information to Yotpo

Adding the Yotpo - Export Products export

In the Exports section, filter for "Yotpo - Export Products" and click on the "Add" button for the Yotpo - Export Products export.


How to configure your Walmart Marketplace API export

This export lists product offers on Walmart Marketplace.

To utilize this export, it is necessary to create an authentication first, while being logged in to the Walmart Marketplace. A step-by-step explanation of how to create an authentication can be found in Add OAuth authentication to external systems.


In the Exports section, click on "Add Export" and filter for "Walmart Marketplace". Click on "Add" in the tile that says "Walmart Marketplace".


The option to rename the export will show. Click on "Add" to proceed. (Renaming is optional). After being forwarded to the channel setup, click on "Add Destination" and select the Walmart API.


Select the authentication created earlier. If no authentication has been created, yet, click on "Add New Authentication" to create one. It is possible to re-import the feedback from the Walmart API by activating "Feedback import".

Click on "Save" and everything is set up.

How to configure your Google Regional Inventory Delivery Zones Export

Delivery Zones are used when working with a regional inventory. This allows to provide different shipping rates and delivery times for different areas.

How to set it up

In case delivery zones are being provided to the GMC from several sources, it is necessary to also import the existing ones, as the API import is likely to overwrite them and therefore other Delivery Zones than the ones provided via Productsup will be lost.

Setting up the channel

In the Exports section, click on "Add Export" and search for "Google Delivery Zone". Click on "Add" in the tile for the "Google Delivery Zones" export. Navigate to the Dataflow after the channel has been added.


Mandatory columns: - country: Populated with the country code - name: Name of the delivery zone - postalCodeRangeBegin: Postal code of the delivery zone or first postal code (numeric order) when the delivery zone covers more than one postal code area

Optional column: - postalCodeRangeEnd: When the delivery zone covers more than one postal code area, the last area (numeric order) needs to be added here

Setting up the destination

Go to Exports and click on the setup icon for the "Google Delivery Zones" channel. The Destination has already been automatically added. Click on the "Setup" button of the destination.


Select the Authentication to use from the dropdown or click on "Add Authentication" to add a new one. Add the Merchant ID and Account ID, click on "Active" and save the destination.

It is now ready to export.

How to configure your SAP PCM Export

The SAP PCM Export let's the user export data to their SAP PCM, based on the classes created within the PCM. This guarantees a smooth integration with little manual work.


In the Exports section, click on "Add Export" and filter for "SAP". Click on "Add" in the tile that says "SAP PCM / PCH - Type Class Export".


The option to rename the export will show. Click on "Add" to proceed. (Renaming is optional). After being forwarded to the channel setup, click on "Add Destination" and select the "SAP oData Integration (PCM / PCH)" destination.


Enter Host and Authentication Token and click on "Check Credentials"."Catalogue Versions", "Type Classes" and "Languages" will be populated with the values found in the SAP PCM instance.


The classes and languages that should be populated within the export can be selected by holding CMD (Mac)/CTRL(Windows) while clicking on them. Clicking on "Populate Export Attributes" will add all required attributes to the export.

As a last step it is necessary to navigate to the Dataflow and connect the attributes to the respective Intermediate attribute.

How to configure your Salesforce Commerce Cloud Export

Productsup offers a selection of exports to push data to the Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

Overview of the Exports

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: List Prices

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: Sales Prices

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: Inventory

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: Metadata

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: Inventory (Delta)

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: Catalog - Category Assignment

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: Master Catalog

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: Master Catalog - Product Attribute Definitions

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: Master Catalog - Product Options

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: Master Catalog - Variation Attributes

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C: Master Catalog - Recommendations


Depending on what should be updated within the Salesforce Commerce Cloud, one or more exports can be selected. It is recommended to use specific sites for specific exports, to guarantee clean export data.

The Master Catalog exports only work in combination with the Main Master Catalog export