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Product feed management and automation benefits

Get an understanding of product feed management and learn about some automation benefits.


Automating product feed allows you to keep product data up-to-date across multiple channels automatically. Product feed, also known as a product data feed or data feed, refers to product information files. These feed files vary; see the following list for some commonly-used formats:

  • CSV - Comma-separated value

  • JSON - JavaScript Object Notation

  • TXT - Text files

  • XLS - Excel file spreadsheet

  • XML - Extensible Markup Language

Marketers, for instance, use product feed across sales and marketing channels to communicate product data from one end to another. This product data can contain product size information, colors, availability, product images, etc. Online merchants use this data to display product listings to customers in the E-commerce space accurately. Depending on the marketplace, the formatting and structure of the product feed typically follow guidelines set by any specific channel. Automate the display of product feed across several channels to reduce the amount of time needed to optimize data feeds across all channels.


Productsup is a SaaS feed management software solution for data feed integration, optimization, and distribution. Productsup lets you manage product feed by automating the import, optimization, and export of product data feed. You can import product data feed from multiple sources, including API integrations. From spreadsheets to product information management (PIM) solutions, integrate product data feed in several formats and sizes. See the following Productsup video to introduce what Productsup can do.

Automation use and benefits

Productsup offers you a range of solutions to efficiently manage product feed, integrate marketplaces, onboard vendors, suppliers, third-party data providers, and use with product content syndication or PIM platforms. Managing product feed with Productsup helps marketplaces and brands structure and enhance their product content across thousands of retail and digital channels. 

Automating pricing updates and inventory, along with data mapping, defining product categories, scheduling imports, and even excluding products for export, is where automation becomes most beneficial. And the importation and exportation of product feed is the most efficient way to communicate this data seamlessly throughout multiple channels.

High-quality product feed

Channels rely on product feeds to display product listings to shoppers reliably. The higher the quality of your product feed means the more accessible your products are to vendors and clients by matching merchant-set algorithms.


Product feed must be accurate, as marketplaces and channels rely on accurate data to display your products. Marketplaces can be a highly competitive space, where inaccuracies in your data feed may cause a loss of clients.

Save time and money

Save time by automating updates and the processing of your data feeds. You’ll also save money by managing your product feed data from one platform. Productsup lets your marketing campaigns reach their maximum potential, reducing waste on ad spend, costs-per-clicks, lost conversions, etc.

Get started

See Set up User Management for getting started in the Productsup platform.