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Error log codes and troubleshooting overview

View the error log to find the error codes and solutions for the errors.


Error log is the platform's feature that shows all the records of the errors and warnings that occurred during the import, export, or run.

When you open a list of projects, you can see the number of errors and warnings per site. To see more details on them, open the error log.

number of error and warnings

Locate Error Log

To access the error log:

  1. Go to Error Log from your site's main menu.

  2. Alternatively, in the site's Dashboard, select the View error log link in the Warnings and Errors section. The section displays the number of warnings and errors from the last run of the site and the severity level of the errors: Medium, High, or Low.

    View error log

Error log

Error log displays all warnings and errors represented in a table view:

  • Result - indicates whether the process failed or generated warnings.

  • Datetime - shows the date and time when the process took place.

  • Process ID - shows a unique ID of every process such as import, export, or run.

  • # Errors - shows the number of times errors occurred.

  • # Warnings - shows the number of times warnings occurred.

  • Purge - lets you remove the entry from the list.

You can open each record to see the details of every process, namely:

Error details
  • The orange labels for warnings and red labels for different severity levels for errors.

  • Process with its ID. You can select the arrow (>) icon for each entry to expand more details.

  • Score - the entry's rank, with 0 for the lowest and 1000 for the highest score.

  • Code - the error code by which you can search for the meaning of the error and find possible solutions in our Help Center. See Error codes and possible solutions.

  • The Snooze/Blacklist drop-down menu with the following actions:

    • Add to Blacklist - an entry will not appear in your error history until you remove it from the blacklist.

    • Snooze for 24 hours - an entry won't appear in your error history for 24 hours.

    • Snooze for 7 days - an entry won't appear in your error history for 7 days.

    • Snooze for 14 days - an entry won't appear in your error history for 14 days.

    • Snooze for 30 days - an entry won't appear in your error history for 30 days.

Beneath the error history, a table shows all snoozed or blacklisted errors, where you can unsnooze or remove from Blacklist the needed errors.

Snoozed or blacklisted errors

Error codes and possible solutions

If you run into an issue in the platform and see an error code or message in your error log, here's a summary of what they mean and some possible solutions to help you resolve the issue.

Error code

Description of error

Possible cause for error

Possible solution


Download Failed or File is empty

Downloading the feed from the source was unsuccessful or the file did not contain any data. This could indicate an invalid URL or error when during the file creation process.

  • Make sure the Source URL, and if applicable, the username and password are all correct.

  • Make sure the Productsup Platform has permission to access this file. You may need to make sure the file has read- permissions and possibly whitelist the Download Proxy IP addresses.

  • Confirm the file is not empty, the file path and filename exist, and there are no typographical errors.


Export not enabled for this site

You have not mapped any Dataflow connections to the intermediate and or export stages yet.

Map your product data from the import stage to the export stage.


FTP Transfer: Could not connect to host

The FTP server has a firewall and only allows certain IP addresses to connect to it.

Confirm you are using the Download Proxy and have all of the IP addresses whitelisted by the FTP server.


No exports enabled yet

You have not added export channels to the site yet.

You have set Upload on all export channels to Off.

  • Add an export channel.

  • Confirm that you set Upload to On for at least one export channel.


Import File Empty or Missing CSV Header

When you import XML files as data sources, you convert them into CSV files, which then lets you manipulate those products in the platform. Sometimes this conversion can go wrong and the generated CSV file is missing its header.

This can also occur when you import a CSV, but you add XML settings in the setup and vice versa.



Failed to connect expanding CSV. Skipping.

Your additional data source is unable to connect with the main data source correctly. Could be because the ID columns are incorrectly set.

Go to your additional data source settings and confirm that the ID columns are set correctly. To learn more about additional data sources and how to add them to your site, see Enhance your products with additional data sources.


All settings are case-sensitive.


No files to upload to export destination since all products have been skipped. If this is not expected, please review your skipping rules

Your skipping rule boxes have caused the platform to skip all of your products for this specific export channel.

Review your skipping rules to confirm that they are not skipping rows or products by accident.


FTP Remote Folder not Found

The platform is unable to find the folder on the FTP server to upload the exported feed file to.

In your export channel’s FTP server destination setup, confirm that both the FTP Host is correct and the FTP directory exists on the server.


FTP Upload failed

A generic error message, usually followed by a more detailed message, often indicating an error with the export destination.

Check the error log for more detailed information about the error message.


Index column doesn't exist

The column chosen to connect the main data source to an additional data source doesn't exist during import. It can happen possibly due to the order of operations of import, data services, and column creation.

  • Go to your additional data source settings.

  • Confirm that the ID columns are set correctly. The column chosen as ID Column From Your Main Feed can't be a column created by a data service from this site.

See Enhance your products with additional data sources, to learn more about additional data sources and how to add them to your site.


This message uses the actual numbers and attribute names from your site. See an example:

50 items (100%) of column "shipping" contains an invalid shipping value

Some of the products in the given attribute contain incorrect values.

  • Check the warning message to find information about the export and attribute where your products contain incorrect values.

  • Go to the needed site and export, select Analyze in the column of the relevant attribute, and see what causes the problem with your values


Unable to download Feed or Feed is empty

  • The data source was unable to download.

  • The data source contained no data.

  • The server containing the file uses a firewall and only allows specific IP addresses to connect to it.

  • Confirm the source URL or host is correct, and if applicable, the username and password as well.

  • Confirm the Productsup platform has permission to access this file (read permissions).

  • Confirm the file is not empty.

  • If the server is using a firewall, confirm you are using the download proxy and have all IP addresses whitelisted by the FTP server.


Downloaded Additional Feed is empty

The downloaded additional data source contains no data.

Check with your local IT team since the logic to populate this data source, before the Productsup platform pulls it, may contain a bug.


Main feed doesn't contain any products

  • The main data source contains no data.

  • The contained data is distorted.

Check with your local IT team since the logic to populate this data source, before the Productsup platform pulls it, may contain a bug.


No Data Source defined yet.

The site has no data sources set up, so the run cannot begin since there is no available data for download.

Set up a data source.


Request to URL forbidden (HTTP Status 403)

The platform does not have permission to access the URL.

Check if the platform needs credentials or whitelisted IP addresses. In Data Sources > Settings tab > Proxy settings, you can activate Use Download Proxy and whitelist the displayed IPs to allow access to the URL.


File not found at URL (HTTP Status 404)

  • The hosted file is in another URL.

  • The URL expired.

Double-check and update the file URL in the Data Sources > Settings tab.


FTP Transfer: Could not login at host

  • The credentials you used to access the FTP could be incorrect.

  • The FTP server only allows Passive Mode.

  • Confirm you are using the correct credentials.

  • Activate Passive Mode in the Data Sources > Settings tab.


IO Service \{{ UserInfo.Metadata. service_name }}\" failed"

The activated IO service may not be compatible with your data.

Check the settings of the IO service. If they look correct, contact Technical Support at


Feed upload failed

A generic error indicates that either the destination settings are not correct or the platform cannot access the destination.

  • Check the destination settings for possible typographical errors or incorrect credentials.

  • If you are using the proxy, confirm that all IP addresses are whitelisted.

  • If everything looks correct, contact Technical Support at


Unable to download file from FTP/SFTP/FTPS/FTPES

The server may use a firewall or require different credentials.

Check if the platform needs credentials or whitelisted IP addresses. In Data Sources > Settings tab > Proxy settings, you can activate Use Download Proxy and whitelist the displayed IPs to allow access to the URL.


Columns for Id Service were missing

The platform did not set up the ID Column in Data Sources > Settings, or it disappeared.

Go to Data Sources > Settings tab in Product Identifier, and define the ID column that contains the product identifier.


Aborted due to Error Monitoring Configuration

Monitor event conditions were met, so the platform aborted the current run.

Go to the error log to see which Monitor event was met. If it appears as expected, you can snooze the Monitor event for a specific period.


File decompression of download source {{ UserInfo.Datasource }} failed

File decompression of download source {{ UserInfo.Datasource }} failed.

  • Check with your IT team to see how they have compressed the file.

  • Check the file, as an uncompressed file might contain the wrong extension. For example, containing a .zip or .gz extension.


Could not upload {{ UserInfo. Metadata.cnt }} products. Mandatory attributes were missing

The export is missing mandatory attributes that the target channel sets.

Confirm all mandatory attributes in the export channel have mapped connections to them. Mandatory attributes appear blue in Dataflow.


Channel not enabled for this site

The platform is refreshing Data View for a channel that is currently inactive.

Check if it’s expected that the channel is inactive. If so, you can ignore this error message.


List {{ UserInfo.Id }} download failed. Read access is required?

The platform may have restrictions for accessing or downloading the file.

  • Confirm that everyone with the list URL has at least read access and rights to download the file.

  • If importing from Google Sheets, check that the URL ends with /export? format=csv.


Column '{{ UserInfo.Column }}' disappeared from source feed

A previously imported column in Productsup no longer exists in the platform. This could be the case if you removed it from the data source or because the data source has failed to import.

Verify if the imported column should not exist. If it should, check with your IT team and confirm the data source that contained the column was set up correctly and did not fail to import. If it failed, review the corresponding error message.


Destination Failed

Generic error message for a failed upload to an export destination. May occur because of incorrect credentials, a server outage, or other technical reasons.

Check the error log for further information or contact to investigate.


Product Count Changed from Import to Intermediate

This error message indicates an inconsistency in the database regarding the number of products in the import and intermediate stage.

Contact to investigate.


Product Count Changed from Intermediate to {{ UserInfo.Metadata. currentStage }}

This error message indicates an inconsistency in the database regarding the number of products in the intermediate column and the listed export channel.

Contact to investigate.


Could not upload {{ UserInfo. Metadata.cnt }} of {{ UserInfo. }} products {{ UserInfo. Metadata.rate }}% to Bing Content API

The platform could not upload a percentage of products via the Bing Content API.

Check that all mandatory attributes are present. Mandatory attributes appear in blue in Dataflow.


Failed to connect expanding SQLite. Skipping.

This error indicates that the database was not able to expand with additional data.

Check that you have the correct column names in the Additional Data Source settings. Check for possible typos, the correct case, for example, ID vs id, or if the column exists in Data Sources > Additional Data Sources > the Content Mode section.


Maximum Product Count Exceeded. Please Contact Productsup Support:

This error comes from a predefined value of the maximum number of products the platform allows for import and acts as a safeguard to prevent performance limitations or accidental overages.

Confirm you did not accidentally try to import too many products. If you need to increase the limit, contact, as they can adjust this limit according to your needs.


Maximum processing time exceeded

This error refers to the threshold set in the Monitor event Site run exceeds given number of hours. For example, this could occur because of new rules applied in the Dataflow or Data View, or slow down and upload speeds. The number correlates to previous durations.

Review your Monitor settings. If the run time seems unusually high, contact to investigate.


Unable to parse XML file

A generic error message, usually followed by a more detailed message, could indicate a corrupted file.

Check the error log for more information.


XSL Transformation Failed (Export {{ UserInfo.Metadata.export_id }}: {{|raw }})

An error occurred while attempting to transform the export XML file using an XSL Template. This may occur because the XML structure changed or the XSLT is invalid.

If you set up the XSLT, go to the settings of the specified export and check if you can find any inconsistencies between the XSL Template under XSL Template for XML Export and the original XML. Otherwise, contact Technical Support at to investigate.


Invalid Dynamic Filename

This occurs when an export uses a dynamic filename or URL, and the used Twig that generates the filename or URL is invalid.

Confirm that the used Twig that builds the filename or URL is valid. See Import dynamic URLs for both imports and exports.


Processing Error

A generic error message indicating an issue with the data processing in the database.

Contact to investigate.


Service Failed

A generic error message indicating a failed data service.

  • Review the current setup of the failed service and confirm that you set up the ID column in Data Sources > Settings tab > Product Identifier.

  • If the setup looks correct, contact to investigate.


Too many input columns provided

The hard limit of columns in the import is 2.000

  • Check if there are any unnecessary columns and remove them from your import source.

  • Services may create additional columns, such as Explode Columns.

  • If the import file is an XML or JSON file, it might help to reduce the threshold for Bundle repeating nodes found in Data Source options > Content Options > XML Settings.


Destination upload failed because of missing required file configuration

The failed export doesn't have a file to send data to

Go to the settings of the failed export and check if there is a file added in the Files panel at the bottom of the export setup page. If not, select Add File, define a desired filename and extension in Filename, and select Save.