How to configure your Mirakl Product Prices and Availabilities Export
The Mirakl Product Prices and Availabilities Export enables you to export information about your prices and availabilities to marketplaces based on Mirakl's Marketplace Platform (such as the examples below).

These are the attributes you can send - mandatory ones in blue, recommended ones in light grey:

To export the data to Mirakl, you need to choose Mirakl as an export destination in the setup of the channel in Exports.

Host: The host of the API
API Key: Required for the authentication
Import Mode: There are three kinds of import modes which you can select for the API: "Normal", "Partial Update" and "Replace". Default is set to Normal. The import history is kept for 60 days, with a maximum of 500 files by seller.
A) Normal: The offer is modified based on the value of the "update-delete" column. Attributes assigned to fields not present in the file are not updated.
Update-delete field is set to “update” or is "blank":
if the SKU field does not match any existing offer in the shop, a new offer is created
the product-id and product-id-type fields link an offer to a product
if the SKU field matches an existing offer in the shop, the offer is updated
Update-delete field is set to “delete”:
the offer is deleted
only the SKU field is used, the others are ignored
if the offer does not exist, an error is returned
B) Partial Update: The update mode allows you to only update fields containing data (not blank). Attributes assigned to fields not present in the file are not updated. Offers are identified by the SKU field. If the offer does not exist, an error is returned.
Important: The update-delete field can exist, but must be blank. If not, an error is returned.
C) Replace: We match the offers contained in the file and these contained in Mirakl.
All the seller’s existing offers which are not present in the offer file are deleted and replaced by those defined in the file
Seller's existing offers also present in the replacement file are not deleted but only updated.
Important: The update-delete field can exist, but must be blank. If not, an error is returned.
Warning: When creating offers and products at the same time using the back office or API and using any import mode, all the offers from your file get the "Waiting" status, waiting for product creation. However, selecting the replacement mode is risky because your existing offers (if any) are deleted right away, except for the ones which exist in your file. The other offers which exist in your files are put in a "Waiting" status. Then, each time products are created in Mirakl, a check is done on all your offers which are in the "Waiting" status to know if any of these offers can be created. Mirakl keeps offers in the "Waiting" status during 10 days before deleting them. The operator can configure this time period.
Shop: The identifier/ShopId of the shop