Add ARGE and IG Neue Medien exports
Learn how to add and set up ARGE and IG Neue Medien (IGNM) exports in Productsup.
ARGE and IG Neue Medien (IGNM) are the HVAC industry data standards used in Germany and Austria, respectively. They both require receiving multiple CSV files where each file is responsible for a specific type of data.
Both ARGE and IGNM use the same data quality guideline of the HVAC industry called DQR (Datenqualitätsrichtlinie). The latest DQR version is 9.0. See Discover leading-edge advancements in ARGE DQR 9.0 for the HVAC industry to learn what has changed since version 8.0.
Productsup offers ARGE and IGNM exports to let you send your product data to these data pools.
This document provides general information about ARGE and IGNM exports in Productsup and offers some suggestions for the setup. You need to use the official DQR documentation to learn more about each required attribute and its specifics. See ARGE Downloads (en) for the latest version of the DQR documentation in English. See IG Neue Medien Downloads for the German version of the DQR documentation.
To use the needed ARGE or IGNM exports, you need:
Relevant product data in your data sources.
A project in your organization where you can add the needed sites. You should identify how many ARGE or IGNM exports you want to set up and create a site per each needed ARGE or IGNM export type.
This is a recommended project structure. It helps to simplify attribute mapping and enables setting up preprocessing sites if necessary.
A desired export destination, such as an FTP or SFTP server, where Productsup can send the output CSV files. See Create an FTP server hosted by Productsup if you don't have a dedicated server account yet.
Access to the OXOMI portal to upload the output CSV files that your Productsup sites generate for ARGE or IGNM.
Decide which exports you need
ARGE and IGNM accept multiple types of CSV files. Every CSV file type must have a specific structure. To produce the needed CSV files, Productsup offers one export per each file type accepted by ARGE and IGNM.
Only three (3) exports are mandatory for ARGE or IGNM to receive your product data successfully:
Mandatory ARGE exports | Mandatory IGNM exports |
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Kopfdaten The Kopfdaten export contains general information about your product catalog and the data delivery, such as your catalog ID, name, and data provider ID. ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikel The Artikel export contains your full product catalog and stores general data about your products, such as product type, minimum order quantity, short product description, and price. The more information you send using this export, the higher the chances that you need to use additional ARGE exports. IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikelattribute The Artikelattribute export contains an extended list of product attributes and their values. You can use this export to send ETIM classification data, keywords, battery information, disposal instructions, hazardous goods details, etc. One of the mandatory attributes in this export is | IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Kopfdaten The Kopfdaten export contains general information about your product catalog and the data delivery, such as your catalog ID, name, and data provider ID. IGNM DQR 9.0 - Artikel The Artikel export contains your full product catalog and stores general data about your products, such as product type, minimum order quantity, short product description, and price. The more information you send using this export, the higher the chances that you need to use additional IGNM exports. IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikelattribute The Artikelattribute export contains an extended list of product attributes and their values. You can use this export to send ETIM classification data, keywords, battery information, disposal instructions, hazardous goods details, etc. One of the mandatory attributes in this export is |
If you want to send more product data to ARGE and IGNM, you can additionally use the following exports:
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikeldokumentenzuordnungen
The Artikeldokumentenzuordnungen export contains images and documents for each product in your catalog. One product can have multiple images and documents assigned to it.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Langtexte
The Langtexte export contains texts that describe a collection of related products, such as products within the same series. Multiple products from the Artikel export can reuse the same shared description text from the Langtexte export. End customers can later see these texts in price quotes and invoices.
The Langtexte export has three (3) attributes:
stores the ID of the shared description text. The Artikel export also uses this attribute, which ties each product to a specific shared description text from the Langtexte export.Langtextzeile
stores the shared description text in chunks. ARGE and IGNM accept shared description texts in chunks of 40 characters. You can provide 99 chunks of text with the sameLangtextnummer
and values from 1 to 99 inLangtextzeilennummer
to send your full shared description text.Langtextzeilennummer
stores the number of each text chunk. ARGE and IGNM use this number to arrange the chunks of the same shared description text in the right order.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Dimensionstexte
The Dimensionstexte export contains texts that can describe each specific product individually. You can use this export to provide additional explanations about specific product attributes if the rest of the products in the same series don't share the same characteristics.
Like the Langtexte export, the Dimensionstexte export uses the logic of splitting up the full description text into chunks of 40 characters.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Zusaetzliche_Artikeltexte
The Zusaetzliche_Artikeltexte export contains additional texts that comprehensively describe each product across all distribution levels. You can use this export to provide a short and long product summary, a marketing text, and an application note for your products.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikelmasse
The Artikelmasse export contains your products' netto weights, volumes, and dimensions. This information is useful for logistics purposes.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikelsets
The Artikelsets export contains sets of related products within your catalog. All products mentioned in this export should be present in the Artikel export and available to order separately.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikelzubehoer
The Artikelzubehoer export connects your main products with their accessories. All products and their accessories mentioned in this export should be present in the Artikel export.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Gruppen
The Gruppen export contains the groups your products belong to. Your organization can define the names and descriptions of the desired product groups in
. All defined product groups must belong to one of these group types:Commodity group, which requires the value WG in
.Product group, which requires the value PG in
.Bonus group, which requires the value BG in
.Discount group, which requires the value RG in
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Gruppendokumentenzuordnungen
The Gruppendokumentenzuordnungen export contains images and documents for each product group. One product group can have multiple images and documents assigned to it.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Rohstoffe
The Rohstoffe export provides information about the raw materials used to produce each product. One product can have multiple raw materials assigned to it.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Linienpreise
The Linienpreise export provides more extensive information about your products' pricing.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Ersatzteillisten
The Ersatzteillisten export provides a list of spare parts for each product in your catalog. You can assign spare parts lists to both current and historical products in your catalog.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Historische_Produkte
The Historische_Produkte export contains a list of products that you no longer sell but whose spare parts are still available for order within your catalog.
IGNM / ARGE DQR 9.0 - Hp_Dokumentenzuordnungen
The Hp_Dokumentenzuordnungen export contains images and documents for each product you no longer sell. One historical product can have multiple images and documents assigned to it.
Learn more about ARGE on our Academy website by taking the video course Distribution PX - Export Data or find detailed guidance in the sections below.
Set up ARGE and IGNM exports
Adding and setting up ARGE and IGNM exports is a technically advanced task. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact if you need help.
Go to Exports from your site's main menu and select ADD EXPORT.
Search for DQR 9.0, hover over the needed export, and select Add to add it to your site.
Add only one ARGE or IGNM export type per site, such as IGNM DQR 9.0 - Artikel, to simplify attribute mapping and data optimization.
Go to Dataflow from the site's main menu and choose the added export from the drop-down menu in the top ribbon on the left to map its attributes from import to export.
Go to Exports and select the name of the needed export.
Select Add Destination, choose the desired option, and then select Save:
Use any FTP or SFTP server as your export destination.
Set up the chosen destination as needed and select Save.
To get your data ready across all sites with ARGE and IGNM exports, you may additionally need to:
Use the official DQR documentation to see the requirements for your data and identify which rule boxes to apply to your attributes. See ARGE Downloads (en) and Optimize your data in Data View with rule boxes.
Use the Analyzer feature to see if your attribute values meet the requirements. See Analyze your data in Data View.
Set up preprocessing sites to create ETIM classification data for your product attributes and values. See Set up ETIM Classes exports.
Use the Image Exporter export to export all your images to one FTP or SFTP server. See Add the Image Exporter export.
Once all your data is ready, select Run in the top-right corner of your view to let the site generate your output CSV file.