Edit images and create image templates in Image Designer
Find how to edit images and apply the image templates in Image Designer in Productsup.
Image Designer is a Productsup image-editing feature that lets you enhance images in your feed within the platform. If you want to trim image borders, change the background color, or add a logo or a discount label to your images, you can create and save custom image templates in the platform. Then, you can use rule boxes in Dataflow and Data View to apply the templates to your images in bulk.
Learn more about the Image Designer from the video or find detailed guidance in the sections below:
Image Designer is an additional service that requires contract amendment. However, you can test a limited set of features of the designer and create templates without activating the full version. To activate the full version of Image Designer, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact support@productsup.com.
Learn more about the Image Designer benefits and use cases on our Academy website by taking the video course Image Designer.
Image Designer lets you edit images in the following ways:
Image Designer supports the following image formats:
Input: JPG, JPEG, and PNG
Output: JPG and PNG
Find Image Designer
Go to a desired site in your Productsup organization.
Open the site's main menu on the left.
Select Designer.
While the feature's name is Image Designer, the main menu shows the shorter version: Designer.
Overview of Image Designer
Image Designer consists of:
Image preview
Editing tabs
Image Designer toolbar
The Image Designer toolbar buttons let you do the following:
The Preview Product image arrows let you choose images in your feed to preview how the template looks for each image.
The zoom-in (+) and zoom-out (-) buttons let you increase or decrease the image preview size.
The eye icon lets you show or hide elements that are out of the design template frames.
The copy and paste icons let you copy and insert a selected layer.
The floppy disk button lets you save the design template.
The Undo and Redo buttons let you revert or repeat your last actions or choose a specific action from the drop-down menu.
Image preview
The area below the toolbar shows a selected product image and all layers. You can move, resize, and rotate the layers over the image as desired.
Image Designer lets you preview only the first 50 images of your feed.
Editing tabs
On the right side of the toolbar, you can find four (4) editing tabs:
Layers – A list of transparent sheets that lets you edit separate design elements. See Layers tab for more details.
Insert – Sets of elements, such as text, images, reclangulars, clipart, and icons, and the image uploader that you can insert into an image template. See Insert tab for more details.
Templates – A collection of the default and your custom templates. See Templates tab for more details.
Settings – Settings for the entire template. See Settings tab for more details.
Layers tab
Layers are the first tab in the Image Designer. Layers are transparent sheets that let you edit separate design elements. Every new element you add to the template in Image Designer appears as a separate layer.
You can do the following actions with layers:
Change a layer's position in the list by dragging and dropping it with the help of the left handle.
Rename layers with the pen icon.
Link and move several layers simultaneously. To do this, select the link icon for each necessary layer.
Hide a layer with the eye icon to reveal the layer beneath it.
Delete a layer with the bin icon.
Layer types
Image Designer creates the following layer types when dragging elements from the Insert tab to the image template preview area. Each layer type has its specific settings.
Rect, or Rectangular – A layer for the Rect element from Elements.
Text – A layer for the Text element from Elements.
DynamicText – A layer for the Dynamic Text element from Elements or a clipart item from Clipart.
Image – A layer for the Image from URL element from Elements.
DynamicImage – A layer for the Dynamic Image element from Elements.
CustomImage – A layer for images uploaded in Your Custom Images.
Icon – A layer for an icon selected from Icons.
Rating – A layer for the Rating element from Elements.
Insert tab
Insert is the second tab in the Image Designer. Insert lets you add graphical elements, clipart, and icons or upload custom images. You can drag and drop a necessary element to the preview area. Each added element creates an individual layer in the Layers tab, where you can edit it.
The Insert tab consists of the following sections:
Elements – A set of graphic elements, texts, and custom images.
Clipart – A set of clipart images.
Icon Font – A set of icons.
Your Custom Images – A tool for uploading and saving images in a library.
Templates tab
Templates is the third tab in the Image Designer.
The Templates tab consists of two sections:
Global Templates – A set of default image templates created by Productsup. You should always start with selecting and editing a global template and then save it as your custom template.
Your Templates – A list of your custom image templates. You can edit, rename, or delete your custom templates, copy them to another site, or share them over the projects or for the entire organization.
Settings tab
Settings is the fourth tab in the Image Designer. You can set up the entire template with all its layers in the Settings tab as follows:
Add a grid to align elements in the preview. You can select a grid variant:
, and60
. The grid appears only during editing and doesn't stay on the final image.Change the template size to ensure the format meets the requirements of the export channel.
The Template Size drop-down shows pre-defined template types and sizes in pixels.
Apply filters to all template layers simultaneously:
Reset filters: Reset all your filter settings for a layer.
brightness: Increase the image brightness.
hue: Change the image coloring.
grayscale: Convert your image to black and white.
invert: Invert the colors.
contrast: Increase the image shades.
saturate: Increase the image saturation.
sepia: Add the sepia filter to the image.
blur: Soften the image.
Select the stage where you want to apply your template in Productsup:
Choose Intermediate Level to make import-stage columns available for your template's dynamic text and image layers.
Choose Export Level to make intermediate-stage columns available for your template's dynamic text and image layers.