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How to configure your FNAC API Stock Price Export

The "FNAC API Stock & Price Export" export enables you to send stock and price updates for products which are already listed on FNAC. It can not be utilised to list new products.

This export requires the following mandatory attributes:

  • price

  • product_reference

  • offer_reference

  • product_state

Please make sure to populate each one of these mandatory attributes with values. Offers that are missing any of these attributes will not be sent to FNAC.


In Exports, add the "FNAC API Stock & Price" export. Within the export setup, select "Fnac API" as the destination and fill out the fields (see screenshot and below description).


API Key: API Key provided by Fnac.

Shop Id: Your Fnac Shop Id.

Partner Id: Fnac Partner Id provided by Productsup.

Active: Switch to "On" to activate this destination.