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February 2025 release notes

Check out what we released to the Productsup platform in February 2025.

At Productsup, we are continuously working to offer you the best experience with our platform. See the updates and new features we released in February 2025.

News about platform features

New location of the Organization settings for a seamless and centralized experience

Advertising PX

Marketplaces PX

Retail and Distribution PX

Supplier Onboarding PX

Available for: Admin

As part of the platform unification initiative, we relocated the Organization settings (previously Account settings) from the list of features in the main menu to a dedicated page.

Users with Admin rights can access the Organization settings by selecting the cogwheel icon Settings_cog_wheel_icon.png in the lower-left corner of the main menu.

Organization settings icon

The Organization settings page opens in a new tab to let you manage company name, two-factor authentication (2FA), client types, business type, and Single Sign-On (SSO) settings.

Organization settings

See Your Productsup organization for more information.

Updated Data View toolbar for consistency with Dataflow updates

Advertising PX

Marketplaces PX

Retail and Distribution PX

Supplier Onboarding PX

Available for: User and Admin

We have improved the usability of the upper ribbon menu in Data View, similar to the Dataflow improvements we did last month:

  • The export selection drop-down now displays the name and logo of the chosen export.

  • We updated and fixed spacing, sizes, fonts, and colors of the UI elements.

Data View new toolbar

See Visualize your data in Data View for more information.

Improved global search for more accurate default results and a smoother user experience

Advertising PX

Marketplaces PX

Retail and Distribution PX

Supplier Onboarding PX

Available for: User and Admin

We improved the usability of our global search:

  • Now, the platform highlights only the category tab that matches the search query.

  • The numeric queries automatically match Site IDs, while all other searches highlight the tabs with the most matches.

News about integrations

New destination that uploads your images to Microsoft SharePoint

Advertising PX

Retailer and Distribution PX

Available for: User

Now, you can upload images to your Microsoft SharePoint. We implemented a new destination Image Exporter (Microsoft SharePoint). It is available for Image Exporter and Image Exporter (no delta) exports.

To set up the destination, you need to provide Client ID, Secret, Tenant ID, and Upload File URL in the destination settings.

The platform uploads the images to the root SharePoint URL specified in the destination settings. If you need to upload the images to subfolders within the root, then you must define the subfolders' names in your data. For example, you can use the Append/Prepend Value rule box to prepend the subfolders names to the image file name.

Image exporter for SharePoint

See Add the Image Exporter export for more information.

Updated attributes for Google to send more detailed data to your channels

Advertising PX

Available for: User

Google regularly updates Merchant Center product data specifications to create a better online experience for users searching for products.

We updated the exports Google Merchant Center and Google Content API for Shopping to reflect the latest Google changes. You can use the following attributes to send more detailed data to your channels:

Attributes for Google Content API for Shopping

Help Center news

New educational video about Help Center

We created a short video about our Help Center since we've been continuously improving the usability of our website and discoverability of the topics.

Learn how you can use our Help Center more effectively and quickly find needed information.