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How to configure your Image Exporter export

The Image Exporter enables you to save the visuals available under the image URLs in your feed as physical images hosted on Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage or an FTP/SFTP server, either as single images or zipped.

Precondition: - To successfully upload your images to S3, you need to create an AWS account with Amazon following this link. - To successfully upload your images to Blob Storage, you need to create an Azure account with Microsoft following this link. - To successfully upload your images to an FTP/SFTP, you need to provide FTP/SFTP credentials that have write access.

1. Add the Image Exporter export to your site

Go to the Exports section and click Add Export. Filter for "Image Exporter" and click the "Add" button.

Figure 1. ExportUI

2. Set up the Dataflow

You can export several pictures per product. Each image needs a URL and a filename that it will be saved under on S3. The mandatory columns are:

  • id: Your unique product identifier

  • img_url_ {ascending_number}: The source URL of the image

  • img_name_{ascending_number}: The image's file name incl. file extension

If you want to export only one image per product, map the "id" column and "image_name_1" and "image_url_1".

If your items have more than one picture that you want to upload, map the "id" column and as many "image_name" and "image_url" columns as needed.

Important: Make sure to not use duplicate image names within your feed, as this will cause the images to be overwritten on the server.

Figure 2. DataflowImageExporter

3. Configuring destinations for Image Exporter export

All destinations share 4 common settings: - Concurrency: This determines how many images will be downloaded at the same time. - Download Progress Notification Interval: This setting determines how often a notification for the download progress will be shown. - Zipfile (optional): When a filename is entered, all images will be zipped before uploading. - Zip Size Limit: Enter a maximum zip file size in bytes, if neccessary. If the size limit is reached, the images will be exported in several zip files.

3.1 Configure the S3 Destination

Go back to Exports and click on the "Setup" button for the Image Exporter export. Click Add Destination and choose Image Exporter (AWS S3).

Figure 3. DestinationSetup

Enter your AWS credentials in Access Key IDand Secret Access Key, then choose your S3 Region. Add the name of the Bucket the images should be uploaded to and define the Base Path for the images.

3.2 Configure the Blob Storage Destination

Go back to Exports and click on the "Setup" button for the Image Exporter export. Click Add Destination and choose Image Exporter (Microsoft Azure).

Figure 4. DestinationSetup

Enter your Microsoft Azure Credentials in Account Name and Access Key. Add the name of the Blob Container the images should be uploaded to and define the Base Path for the images.

3.3 Configure the FTP/SFTP destination

Go back to Exports and click on the "Setup" button for the Image Exporter export. Click Add Destination and choose Image Exporter (FTP or SFTP)

Figure 5. DestinationSetup

Enter the servers address and your credentials, and add the basepath.