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Import your feed data

Importing a feed is the first step to syndicating and distributing data. You may also want to add additional feeds to add further information to your product data.

Main Feeds: Every site requires at least one main feed. Adding additional main feeds adds more products and extends the data vertically.

Example: One Main Feed


Example: Two Main Feeds


Additional Data Sources: contain further information on the products to enhance and update the main feed. Additional feeds extend your data horizontally. You can set a feed as an additional feed by selecting the Additional Data Feed button in Content Mode.


From the drop-down menu, select the column from your main feed that contains your product identifier, for example, ID or SKU.

Enter the name of the matching column in your additional feed. The column name is case-sensitive. Columns in the additional feed that do not appear in the main data feed generate new columns in your product data. Note if columns in the additional feed also exist in the main feed; the values in the additional feed overwrite values for all items with a matching identifier.


Import data from a PIMPMS system

You can import data from a PIM/PMS using the PIM/PMS option in Data Sources.


Import data from Akeneo

1. Import data with the Akeneo Cloud API Import

Prerequisite: To use this data source, you need Akeneo PIM version 4.0 and more recent, or Serenity version (SAAS version)

1.1 In Akeneo: Configure the API connection

  1. In your Akeneo Instance, go to System.

  2. Go to Connections.

  3. Select Create at the top right.

  4. Enter the destination Label and set Flow Type as the Data Destination.

  5. Make a copy of the following four credentials: Client ID, Secret, Username, and Password. Some of this information displays only once, so make a copy immediately.

  6. In both the Role and Group drop-downs, set proper user permissions.


1.2 Add the Akeneo Cloud API Import in Productsup

In your Productsup account:

1. Go to Data Sources.

2. Select + Add data source.

3. Search for Akeneo and add Akeneo Cloud API Import.

4. Enter the Hostname - the URL that hosts your Akeneo instance.

5. Enter the four credentials you received from the Akeneo Connection: Client ID, Secret, Username, and Password.

6. Save these settings, and start an import by selecting Import.

The Productsup platform imports all products. The platform also indicates which Entity Groups and Assets are available in the logs. By default, the Productsup platform does not import Entities or Assets.


1.3 Optional: import Entities and Assets

If you wish to add Entities or Assets, you must 1. Switch the button "Import Entities" or "Import Assets" to "ON" 2. In the field below, type in the name of the Entity or Asset you wish to import TIP: You can see which Entities or Assets exist and their names in the Productsup logs during the first import. You can open the Logs panel at any time in Probellsup by clicking on the "bell" icon at the top right.


2. Importing from Akeneo using a CSV flat file

Prerequisite: You can only use this data source if you are Akeneo PaaS/Flexibility or Enterprise Edition user.

2.1 Set up feed creation in Akeneo

  1. In your Akeneo account, go to the exports section by selecting this icon:

Figure 1. Akeneo Exports
Akeneo Exports

  1. Click on the "Create Export Profile" button in the top right corner.

Figure 2. Export Profile
Export Profile

  1. Enter the Code and Label and select "Product Export in CSV" as a job.

  1. Go to the Global settings tab and define the File path, Decimal separator, Date format, and Number of lines per file for your feed. If you do not want to export all products, you can define this in the Content menu.

  1. The file saves on your Akeneo server. To guarantee that we can always import the latest version of your product data, you need to make sure it automatically updates and is available for download. Usually, the best solution is to add a script that pushes every new feed to an FTP server. Once the feed is available to download, you can enter the Source URL and the access credentials in your Akeneo Data Source in Productsup:

Figure 3. Akeneo

Import data from PimCore

With PimCore, you can manage, aggregate, and distribute any digital product data. You can format data for multiple channels and deliver user-centric personalized customer experiences.

Prepare data in your PimCore account for export

To import data from a PimCore account into the Productsup platform, you first need to prepare your data for export from your PimCore account.

In PimCore, do the following to prepare your data for export:

Click on the Settings button on the left-hand menu and select Datahub Config.

Creating one config per category is better than batching several categories into one config if you have multiple categories and category-specific attributes. If multiple categories are present in one config, this could lead to the Productsup platform generating an excessive number of attributes, potentially throttling your import. Note that the Productsup platform cannot manage more than 2000 attributes.


Add a Datahub Config, define the general settings and the schema.


In the Security Definition tab, you can choose which documents, assets, and workspaces are available for export.

Set an object for an endpoint Productsup address. This example uses Product Data.

The tab also has a field for an API key. The Productsup platform requires an API key to the PimCore datahub.


Prepare your Productsup Account to accept PimCore data.

After preparing your PimCore account, you are ready to set up your Productsup account to receive the data. You can add your URL, endpoint, and API Key as a data source in Data Sources.


Import data through a Basic API request with JSON Response

To import from a paginated URL with JSON response, you can use our Basic API Request with JSON Response Import.

For instance, for the URL: "". The Productsup platform sends a request to every page to import all data.


Source: Enter the Source URL. This text includes everything before the question mark in the URL.

Parameter: If the URL contains any parameters in addition to the page parameter, add them here.

Username & Password: Add a username and password if authentication is necessary.

Root Node & Variant Node: You can set the Root and Variant nodes if necessary.

Page Variable: Set the page variable, for example: "page."

Next Page Interval: Set the page interval if it is not "page=1, page=2,...".

Bundle Elements: Activate if you want to bundle elements from repeating nodes.

Bundle Delimiter: Set a delimiter to separate bundled elements.

Notifications: Set a notification interval, for instance, every 10 or 100 products.

Import data with a basic SOAP API

You can set up a basic SOAP API as a data source as follows:


Enter these details:


  • The root node of the Response XML

  • An Endpoint

  • Request parameters

  • Authentication (if required)

Select Save, and the Productsup Platform pulls data from this source on the next manual or scheduled import.

Import data from the Productsup API

The Productsup API offers a dynamic method to import product data.

Add the Productsup API as a data source

Go to Data Sources and filter for Productsup Platform API. Select the Add button.


Set up the Productsup API as a data source


For the Productsup platform to accept the Productsup API as a data source, you must configure the following:

- Product Update Mode: You can set this to either "update" or "replace." If left empty, "replace" is the default. If set to replace, your updates should contain complete information. If set to update, you only need to include the attributes you want to update.

Import process report email address: The email address you enter in this field receives notifications for each import. The email contains a log of the imported batch IDs.

Description: Change if desired.

Import product data from Amazon MWS

Note, this is a different procedure from importing orders from Amazon MWS. If you need help with this, check this document.

If your products already exist on Seller Central, you can import them into the Productsup platform using Amazon MWS as a data source.

Follow these steps to import your products:

  1. Go to Authentication from your site's main menu. Select ADD AUTHENTICATION.

  2. In Type, select Amazon Authentication (BETA version by Amazon). You can customize the authentication description in Name. Now, select Next.

  3. In Region, select the region for Productsup to manage your inventory.

  4. The Productsup platform directs you to Amazon for authentication. Enter your credentials to connect your Productsup exports to Amazon.

  5. Authenticate our Developer ID to submit report requests on their behalf. Contact your Account Manager to obtain this authentication.

  6. Import the feed, and your products should appear in Data View.

Import data from Square POS


It is easy to export all your Square POS data to the Productsup platform.

Set up your Square POS account

Log into your Square account and go to Square Applications.


Click on the + icon to add a new application.


Choose a name and select save.


Productsup is now a valid application.


Select Open and go to the Production tab. Select Show and copy the token.

Prepare Data Sources to accept Square POS data

Go to Data Sources and filter for Square.


Select the Add button. You can rename the data source or leave the default title.


Import data from iZettle POS

To import product data from iZettle:

Select Add Data Source in the Data Sources menu.

Search for iZettle and select it as a data source type.


Add your authentication credentials for iZettle and add a description if desired.

Select Save.