August 2023 release notes
Check out what we released to the Productsup platform in August 2023.
At Productsup, we are continuously working to offer you the best P2C experience. See the updates and new features we released to the platform in August 2023.
New data sources and export channels
As the AGRE version 8.0 expires on September 30, 2023, we have implemented a series of exports to support the latest 9.0 version released by ARGE in April 2023.
The ARGE is a data standard used in the HVAC industry in Germany. The ARGE main data file comprises multiple CSV files, each responsible for handling a specific data type.
You can find, add, and set up the individual export template in Exports:
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Kopfdaten
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikel
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikeldokumentenzuordnungen
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikelmasse
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Dimensionstexte
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Zusaetzliche_artikeltexte
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikelzubehoer
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikelsets
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Rohstoffe
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Artikelattribute
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Gruppen
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Gruppendokumentenzuordnungen
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Langtexte
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Linienpreise
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Ersatzteillisten
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Historische_produkte
ARGE DQR 9.0 - Hp_dokumentenzuordnungen
The Analyzer tests in Data View for ARGE exports are still in development and will become globally available soon.