June 2023 release notes
Check out what we released to the Productsup platform in June 2023.
At Productsup, we are continuously working to offer you the best P2C experience. See the updates and new features we released to the platform in June 2023.
Platform features and updates
Activity Log now tracks connections in Dataflow
Activity Log now tracks not only the added, edited, and deleted rule boxes but also the added and deleted connections in Dataflow. It registers individual and bulk connection actions, such as automapping connections from import to export or deleting all connections.
Go to Activity from the account level to access Activity Log and see your connection changes. If you select one of the connection changes, you can view the following information about the change:
The user who performed the change.
The project and site where the change happened.
The time of the change.
The stages where the user added or deleted a connection.
The attributes that the user connected or disconnected at those stages.

Besides tracking connections, the Activity feature has some more updates:
If you add and save several rule boxes in one go, Activity Log displays each rule box change in a separate entry.
The search feature can now scan more parameters for each log entry. It also lets you enter a search term and use the date filter simultaneously.
If a rule box or connection change happened at the export stage, Activity Log now displays the name of the specific export where the change happened.
See View your Activity Log and Summary for more information.
Reuse a configured dataflow across sites with Shared Dataflow
Productsup has released a new feature, Shared Dataflow, to help you reuse a configured dataflow across multiple sites and projects and save time on setting it up anew every time.
The Shared Dataflow feature lets you reuse the existing intermediate and export dataflow elements of one site in another. The shared element is either an import-intermediate or intermediate-export mapping, with all connections between the stages, custom attributes, and rule boxes, shared with other sites.
Only admin users can access Shared Dataflow.
Using this new feature, you can:
Ensure dataflow setup consistency and accuracy across sites.
Save time on repetitive dataflow setup activities.
Create new sites faster.
To access the new feature:
Go to Shared Dataflow from your account's main menu.
See a list of all existing shared dataflows or create a new one.
See Share dataflow with other sites for more information.
Stream and Platform API capabilities
End-to-end delta processing with Stream API
Productsup has developed a new feature for Stream API users that reduces site run time and lets you send your data updates to Google Merchant Center via the Google Content API much faster.
While a site run consists of data import, processing, and export, the Productsup platform has, until now, offered delta-based import and export only. This meant importing the changed product data into a site, processing the full product catalog along with the changed data, and exporting the changed data only. For sites with million-product feeds, it resulted in excessively long site run times and an inability to update data as often as the export channel requires.
Now, the platform supports delta processing, which lets your site process only the changed product data instead of the entire product catalog. With delta-based import and export, the new processing feature achieves end-to-end delta site runs, reducing site run times and letting you send data to your export channel more often.
The feature is currently in closed alpha testing. If you would like to take part in the alfa testing phase, contact your Customer Success Manager to arrange your participation.
At the moment, the new end-to-end delta processing feature works only with the export Google Content API for Shopping and the destination Google Content API (single account).

New data sources and export channels
ETIM 9.0
ETIM is the international classification standard for technical products used across the electrical, HVAC and sanitary, building, and shipbuilding industries. At the end of 2022, ETIM International released a new version of the classification standard, ETIM 9.0.
Productsup already supported the previous two versions, ETIM 7.0 and ETIM 8.0. With the new release, Productsup also supports the newest version of the classification standard, ETIM 9.0. You can use it by adding the export ETIM-9.0 Classes.

See Set up ETIM Classes exports for more information.